Month: March 2022


another cybersmart session

we had to sort what was right to publish and what not to here is mine

my family

this is my writing about my family because it was one of the things i did at home

All about my family

I have one brother and two sisters my baby brother is 5 year old and his name is myo min oo my little sister is 6 years old and her name is hnin thazin 

  my other sister is 9 years old and her name is moe

And my mum’s name is  

zin nwe oo and

 my dad’s name is maung kha    


That was summer

That was summer 


Have you ever felt summer of course you have.

Remember that time when the scorching hot sun heated up your back while trying to get to the water. Remember that time you scratch your knee on a rock while swimming.

Remember tripping face first into the sand.

That was summer. 


Have you ever tasted of course you have 

Remember the sweet release of the frozen treats during the heat of summer.

Remember the nice food hot off the grill.

Remember the time you were swimming and then swallowed a lot of salty sea water  

That was summer.


Have you ever seen summer of course you have 

Remember the red gradient of the sky when you viewed the sun while it was descending. Remember stargazing during the hot nights of summer .

Remember seeing many people at the beach realizing your probably not gonna have enough space 

That was summer 


Credit :zaw and zainor for lending me his chromebook